OCR Safety Expo and Open House

OTTAWA - Wrapping up Rail Safety Week in Canada, Ottawa Central Railway’s "Safety Expo and Open House" returns on April 30.

The popular annual activity promises a day of railway safety and fun on the trains! "Close to 3 thousand visitors dropped by last year" says Ottawa Central General Manager, James Allen, "and it’s an excellent forum to help the community, and kids in particular, learn about railways and rail safety issues first hand."

"The most popular feature has to be the rides on our diesel locomotives,” says Mr. Allen. “It’s for a good cause too. We’re inviting donations for the Ottawa Boys and Girls club as they climb aboard.”

3141 Albion Road South
Saturday April 30
9 am - 3 pm

Click Here to view OC Transpo's page for OCR's Open House

Contact Information:

James Allen, General Manager
OCR - Ottawa Central Railway
Phone: (613) 913-8516
Email: james.allen@cfqc.com

Ian McCord, Public Relations
OCR - Ottawa Central Railway
Phone: (613) 228-9740
Email: squad51@cyberus.ca