Operation Lifesaver's Rail Safety Week begins today!

Today marks the official launch of Operation Lifesaver's Rail Safety Week (April 30 - May 6). Along with our partners, we will be holding a number of events and activities throughout the country to bring attention and awareness to our public rail safety mission. As we mentioned on the blog last week, this year's theme is trespassing, with the important rail safety message, "These Tracks are for Trains".

Trespassing is a major issue, especially given the recent prevalence of teenagers being killed while wearing headphones and walking on the tracks. This demographic is only one of the audiences targeted by seven new trespassing prevention posters Operation Lifesaver is launching as part of this year's Rail Safety Week. Other specific groups targeted include:

  • people participating in outdoor winter activities, including cross-country skiing and snowmobiling
  • children walking their dogs and playing around the tracks
  • children using railway bridges to fish or play
  • people riding ATVs and motorcycles near the tracks

To view and download the "These Tracks are for Trains" posters, please visit our slideshare page:

Keeping watching the blog for more Rail Safety Week related posts as the week goes on. And thank you for your support!