Rail safety is a shared responsibility – you can save lives!
All year long Operation Lifesaver Canada works to prevent railway related deaths and injuries. We’ve been doing so for over 30 years and over this time we’ve helped reduce crossing collisions by 78% and trespassing incidents by 54%.
While we’re proud of these numbers, our mission won’t be complete until there are no Canadians killed or injured at highway-railway crossings or due to trespassing on railway property. But we can’t do it alone – we need your help.
Today marks the beginning of Public-Rail Safety Week 2013. As in previous years, all week we’ll be hitting the streets along with our partners to share our rail safety message with Canadians. This year’s message: rail safety is a shared responsibility. That’s right – ALL Canadians have a part to play in promoting rail safety and saving lives!
With this in mind, all week we’ll be highlighting what you can do to stay safe around trains and tracks. Watch for blog posts every day, as well as daily posts on the Operation Lifesaver Canada Facebook page, and tweets using the hashtag #prsw2013 on Twitter. In addition, we’ll be holding a number of rail-safety events (PDF) across Canada, including school presentations, public awareness campaigns, traffic enforcement blitzes, and crossing and trespassing blitzes. Visit the Public-Rail Safety Week 2013 page to find tons of rail safety information and the calendar for the week's rail safety events.
Do your part to promote rail safety: attend a Public-Rail Safety event (PDF), read and share the Public-Rail Safety Guide (PDF), and take the Operation Lifesaver rail safety quiz to see how much you know.
And help us spread the rail safety word! Chat with us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@oplifesaver). Set your searches for #prsw2013 and tell us what you do to be rail safe!