School bus drivers, refresh your rail safety knowledge before school starts

It's hard to believe how quickly the summer has flown by. Back to school is just a couple weeks away. If you're a school bus driver, that means it's just about time to get behind the wheel for another school year. Every day you're responsible for the lives of countless young people - a responsibility that definitely cannot be taken lightly. 

If your route takes you to a level crossing, it's important to know the rail safe behaviours that will keep you, and the students who depend on you, safe and alive. So, why not take these last days of summer to refresh your train safety knowledge?

Check out the resources below:

Train safety tips for school bus drivers 

Operation Lifesaver offers a series of learning materials that provide lifesaving rail safety information for professional drivers, including the following downloadable train safety resources for school bus drivers:

You can also check out this PowerPoint presentation for school bus drivers, available on Operation Lifesaver's SlideShare page:

[slideshare id=11520794&doc=schoolbusdrivers-120210220630-phpapp02]