Six Canadians killed in crossing and trespassing incidents in July
For the past year and a half, Canadians have been focused on keeping safe from an unseen threat: COVID-19. But as life becomes more normal in many parts of the country, Operation Lifesaver wants to remind Canadians that the virus isn’t the only danger.
Last month, six Canadians lost their lives in railway crossing and trespassing incidents. Another four were seriously injured. These tragedies could have been prevented—if people followed the rail safety rules.
Whether you’re driving a car, riding a bike, or out for a walk, it’s critical that you heed all railway warning signs and signals. Just like protecting yourself from COVID-19, following certain rules is the only way to stay safe.
Helps us save lives. Share our rail safety
resources with your friends and family to keep them safe. If we all do our parts, we can prevent tragic rail incidents from occurring.