Today's the last day to vote for Canada's best youth rail safety message!

Whew - February has flown by! It's already the final day to vote for your favourite rail safety message in the "OFF THE RAILS" contest. Your vote will determine which messages, developed by Canadian youth aged 11 - 14, will be crowned winners and will help finalists win their share of more than $10,000 in prizes!

Young people in the 11 - 14 age range are the most difficult group to reach with rail safety messaging. The "OFF THE RAILS" contest encouraged youth to participate in creating safety messages and the winning entries will be used to educate other young people.

Over the past month, 1,452 people have registered to vote and 8,309 votes have been cast. With only a day left in the voting period, now's the time to have your voice heard! Here's a quick recap on how you can cast your vote:

  • All contest finalists’ entries are posted at
  • You can vote for your favourites once a day in each category: English Print, English Multimedia, French Print and French Multimedia
  • Registration is quick and easy – simply enter your email address and cast your vote!

Voting closes at 23:59 hrs (ET) tonight.

Online votes will be tabulated and verified and winners, in each category, will be contacted on or before March 23, 2012. Awards will be presented during Operation Lifesaver’s annual Rail Safety Week which will take place  from April 30 – May 6, 2012.

Your vote will help shape the rail safety messages that Canada’s youth receive – and could save a young life. Please, cast your vote today!