Two Canadians killed in railway incidents in January
Lockdowns are being lifted. Vaccine passports are starting to be removed. And as we slowly move out of the Omicron wave of this pandemic, many of us are venturing outside of our homes a lot more. But Operation Lifesaver wants to remind Canadians that whether you’re out walking, driving, or enjoying your favorite winter activity, be sure to follow the rail safety rules to stay safe.
In January 2022, two people lost their lives in railway incidents—down from three fatalities in January 2021. But our goal is to get these numbers down to zero. We know we can do it, with your help.
Do your part for rail safety by following these rules:
- Stay off railway tracks, trestles, yards, and equipment. At worst, you could be seriously injured or killed by trespassing on railway property. At best, you’ll face a hefty fine.
- Only use designated railway crossings. Never take a shortcut across tracks—saving time isn’t worth your life.
- Never cross the tracks immediately after a train passes. Trains can come from either direction and on any track. Wait until you can see clearly in both directions before crossing.
- Be aware that trains don’t always follow set schedules. Trains can travel up to 160 km/h, and can come at any time, from either direction, on any track.
- Know that you won’t necessarily hear a train coming. Today’s trains are fast and quiet, and tend to project sound sideways. So, if they’re headed towards you, they can be barely audible—until it’s too late.
- Never assume a rail line is abandoned. Tracks are often deactivated and reactivated, so once-quiet tracks could feature a train at any time.
Share these tips and OL’s other
rail-safety resources with the people you love, and connect with us on
Facebook, Twitter or
Instagram—and help us #STOPTrackTragedies.