Teens and tweens remind peers to stay "OFF THE RAILS"


In September we told you about the "OFF THE RAILS" contest, a fun and interactive nation-wide contest directed at 11 – 14 year olds. The contest asked youth to create a rail safety message urging their peers to stay off the rails. Working in teams of two or more, youth were encouraged to have fun creating a message in the form of a short video, a poster, a song or even a comic strip. Contest entrants would compete to win four grand prizes of $2,000 and eight secondary prizes of $500 totaling more than $10,000. The deadline for submissions was December 31, 2011.

With the contest deadline now passed, we are pleased to offer you this breakdown of contest participation:

  • 76 registered teams participated
  • teams were from 7 different provinces
  • 31 submissions were received

You can view all of the submissions at www.offtherailscontest.ca.

Online voting available soon!

Throughout the month of January, "OFF THE RAILS" contest submissions are being reviewed and finalists chosen. We are very impressed with the quality of the submissions and are excited for the next stage of the contest - the online voting period.

This is where you come in! The online voting period is February 1 - 29, 2012, so please cast your vote for Canada's best youth rail safety message! We plan to launch the online voting site by the end of this month and will provide you with that link as soon as we've got things up and running.

Some final things you need to know are:

  • Winners will be selected and contacted by March 23, 2012
  • Winners will be announced and awards presented during Rail Safety Week, April 30 – May 6, 2012