Trespassing on railway property is a crime
January is crime stoppers month in Ontario. Today we’d like to offer you a reminder that railway tracks, and the area surrounding them, are private property and being near the tracks for any reason is breaking the law. If you’re found to be trespassing, you could be fined, face charges or even pay with your life.
For the month of January (and every month of the year) please make it a priority to share the following lifesaving trespassing information with your friends and families:
- Operation Lifesaver’s Community Trespassing Guide, which offers community leaders and concerned citizens tips to follow to make their communities safer. If your community has a problem with railway trespassing, this book will aid you in coming up with solutions to resolve this life-threatening situation.
- Know and obey the No Trespassing Sign:
This sign indicates no trespassing is allowed and there is danger present. You should only cross the tracks at a marked crossing, and never trespass on railway property. It tells you to stay off, stay away, and stay alive!
- Check out the presentation below for more lifesaving railway trespassing information:
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