res·o·lu·tion n.
1. The state or quality of being resolute; firm determination.
2. A resolving to do something.
3. A course of action determined or decided on.
One of the best things about a new year is that it offers you a clean slate. It’s the perfect time to make a change in your life, a.k.a. the ever-popular "New Year’s Resolution".
As you reflect on this past year and look ahead to the next one by building your list of resolutions, why not add rail safety to the list?
While some resolutions are notoriously hard to keep, a commitment to being rail safe is a pretty good bet. With some simple self-discipline, rail safety knowledge can be incorporated into your daily life and shared with your family and friends with ease.
And if you need another reason, a commitment to being rail safe could be the difference between life and death in 2014.
Rail safety is a no brainer
We all need refreshers, whether it’s in the way we eat or how we drive as the seasons change, and rail safety holds the same level of importance. It’s a life-long lesson for all ages that needs to be shared, and regularly reaffirmed.
Think you’re already a rail safety guru?
You might be surprised. Consider these questions.
- Do you know how long it takes a train traveling 100 km/h to stop?
- Do you know what a crossbuck sign tells you?
- True or false? Is it okay for you to cross when the last car of a train clears the crossing?
How did you fare running through those three questions on your own? Not sure? Then take the rail safety quiz and obtain your rail safety score. Like we said, you just might be surprised.
We’ve got your rail safety back
Operation Lifesaver makes it easy for you to achieve your rail safety resolution in 2014 by making everything you need readily accessible (and free!).
- Be sure to bookmark our intuitive list of rail safety resources to get, and keep, the ball rolling—all available with a simple click of a button.
- To make rail safety fun for the little ones, visit It’s a website you’ll be happy to have your kids spending their computer time on.
- Have a hard-to-reach teen in the family? Bookmark our super-savvy resources for teens on your home computer, and make it a double whammy by bookmarking or making it a homepage on their iPhone or iPad.
This year, make rail safety part of your everyday routine. The more you and your family and friends know, the better and safer you will all be.
Have a happy, healthy and rail safe 2014!
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