Professional drivers: this summer, brush up on the rail-safety tips that could save your life

It’s finally summer in Canada. And that means Canadians are hitting the road, travelling to vacation destinations and heading out for camping trips. If you’re a professional driver, these extra cars can have a real impact on you. No matter the season and regardless of how many other drivers you encounter as you go about your day, rail-safety must be a priority. So why not take the time now to brush up on the important rail-safety considerations that apply to your profession with Operation Lifesaver’s newly revised Professional Drivers materials. These materials offer life saving tips for professional drivers in the following industries:
  • Emergency Responders
  • School Bus Drivers
  • Truck Drivers
  • Motor Coach and Transit Drivers
And if this is the summer that you’re finally going to get your driver’s license, our materials for Newly Licensed Drivers will help you make safe decisions when you encounter highway-railway crossings. What's more, these materials are an excellent supplement to driver training programs  - each package includes an Instructor's Guide, Student Notes and a Safety Quiz. Whenever you hit the road, whether it's for work or for pleasure, remember: look, listen, live.