Make it to fall - don't be killed by a train this summer

For kids and teens, nothing beats summertime. With school out, it's the perfect time to head outdoors to spend time with friends. Long summer days mean there's no limit to the fun that can be had. But be careful where you play - railway property is never the right place to be. Nothing ends summer fun faster, or more permanently, than death. 

Listen to the following clips from Operation Lifesaver's National Director, Dan Di Tota and Inspector Bill Law of the CP Police for a reminder of the dangers of unsafe behaviours at level crossings and railway tracks. 

[audio src="/Website/media/Imported-Blog/2011/11/04_DiTota.mp3"]

[audio src="/Website/media/Imported-Blog/2011/11/02_Law.mp3"]

Please don't let being killed by a train put an end to your summer.