Calling all ATV operators! Do you know your rail safety?

Nothing beats starting the engine, revving the throttle and heading out on an all-terrain vehicle for an off-road adventure. While you’re out enjoying Canada’s great outdoors this summer, you’re no doubt going to run into an unmarked railway crossing or train tracks. Ask yourself: Do you know your rail safety? Whether you’re with a group of friends or taking your kids for a ride, YOU are responsible for operating that vehicle safely and obeying the rail safety rules at all times.

Some lifesaving rail safety tips to keep in mind

To help keep you and those you’re riding with safe, Operation Lifesaver has designed some informative and free rail safety tips for ATV operators. Print these off and keep them handy if you’re ever unsure of what to do when you’re near the tracks.
  • Trespassing on railway property is dangerous and illegal; cross only at designated locations.
  • Locomotives and rail cars are wider than the rails and railway bridges, tunnels and rock cuts; this allows little or no room for you and your ATV.
  • Riding next to the tracks could put you in danger. STAY OFF! STAY AWAY—STAY ALIVE!

Set a good example of rail safety for those who are watching

While you might be tempted to take a gamble and trespass on railway property, the risk will ALWAYS outweigh the reward. Your actions around train tracks are what will resonate with younger children or inexperienced riders who are following your lead out on the trail.  Make what you do count. Model and teach young riders the legal and correct way to cross railway tracks:
  • STOP no closer than 5 metres from the nearest rail.
  • LOOK both ways and LISTEN for approaching trains.
  • If you see a train approaching, or if the warning signals at the railway crossing are activated, STOP and wait in a safe place, away from all tracks. Once the train has passed and the warning lights have stopped flashing, ensure you have a clear view down the tracks and look both ways again for other approaching trains.
  • Cross the tracks only when you are certain it is safe.
Don’t be a rail safety statistic. Get out there and safely enjoy some great summer adventures and listen to the lifesaving rail safety advice of Operation Lifesaver. Rail safety starts with all of us. Stay rail safe!