COVID-19 isn’t the only threat: trains can be deadly too
For months, Canadians have faced a deadly, but unseen, threat: COVID-19. To keep ourselves safe, we’ve stayed home, worked remotely, and gone without many things we took for granted before this pandemic began. But coronavirus isn’t that only danger out there. Trains can be deadly too, if you don’t follow the rail-safety rules.
Across Canada there are more than 40,000 kms of railway tracks. And though it may seem safe to use tracks as a path or a shortcut, doing so can end in tragedy. Trains can be incredibly quiet, and come at any time, from either direction.
As more and more Canadians spend their time walking and exploring the outdoors during this pandemic, we’ve noticed a startling trend: a rise in the number railway trespassing fatalities.
Trespassing incidents continue to increase in May
For the third month in a row, the number of Canadians killed trespassing on tracks or railway property has increased significantly. In May 2020, seven people lost their lives trespassing, and another four were seriously injured. That’s almost twice the number of people killed or injured compared to May 2019.
Remember, railway tracks aren’t a walking path. Our lives may have slowed down during the COVID-19 pandemic, but trains haven’t—and they can’t swerve or stop quickly enough to avoid hitting you. So, follow the rail-safety rules—and stay safe.