Have a rail good time this Canada Day!

The first long weekend of the summer is just a few days away! Across the country, Canadians will be celebrating Canada Day and enjoying life outdoors. 

As Canada turns 146 years old, remember the important role railways played in our history. From the time the first Canadian railway opened in 1830 to the completion of coast-to-coast tracks in 1889, railways joined communities, created jobs and allowed people and supplies to be transported much faster than ever thought possible. They were key to the growth of our nation. 

But this progress came with a cost. The building of the railway was dangerous work that cost many men their lives. Fortunately, railway deaths and injuries can and should be a thing of the past. This Canada Day, pledge to honour the history of our railway and, by extension, our great nation by being rail safe. Here’s how: 

Stay off the tracks this long weekend: they aren’t a place to play or watch the local fireworks display. Rail property is private property and trespassing is illegal. Have fun this weekend and if you really want to celebrate Canada Day on the tracks, do it from safely inside a passenger train.

Happy Canada Day, everyone!