Trespassing incidents down in May

Some positive news this week: in May, the number of Canadians killed while trespassing on railway property dropped by more than 50 per cent year-over-year. Three people lost their lives in trespassing incidents last month—that’s down from seven people in May 2020.
Although this is a move in the right direction, our goal is to get these numbers to zero—and we know we can reach that goal if Canadians follow these rail-safety rules:
  • Stay off railway tracks, trestles, yards and equipment. At worst, you could be seriously injured or killed by trespassing on railway property. At best, you’ll face a hefty fine.
  • Only use designated railway crossings. Never take a shortcut across tracks—saving time isn’t worth your life. 
  • Never cross the tracks immediately after a train passes. Look for other oncoming trains before crossing. Trains can come from either direction and on any track. Wait until you can see clearly in both directions before crossing.
  • Be aware that trains don’t always follow set schedules. Trains can travel up to 160 km/h, and can come at any time, from either direction, on any track.
  • Never assume a rail line is abandoned. You might never see a train on a particular section of rail, but that doesn’t mean it’s abandoned. Often, tracks can be deactivated and reactivated, so once-quiet tracks could feature a train at any time.
  • Keep your distance. Trains overhang tracks by at least a metre on each side and can carry loads that extend even further. If you're next to the tracks, you can be hit.
  • Keep one ear out near railway crossings. If you’re wearing headphones on both ears, you won’t hear a train coming.
Help us #STOPTrackTragedies. Share these tips and OL’s other rail-safety resources with the people you love, and connect with us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram—it could save a life.