YOU have the power to prevent railway trespassing

Over the past few weeks, we've shared two powerful, personal stories on this blog about the tremendous pain that is caused when a young person dies as a result of being hit by a train. Such devastation is preventable. The common thread in both Ty and Andrew's tragic stories is the fact that they were both trespassing on railway property when they were killed. Both were also wearing headphones.

Out of these two tragedies a common message emerged: rail safe behaviours need to be included as part of the general health and safety messages that parents, teachers and other caregivers share with children. What's more, train safety is a community issue and should be treated as high priority. This includes railway trespassing.

With this in mind, Operation Lifesaver developed a community trespass prevention guide that municipal community groups can use to prevent trespassing from occurring. This guide contains tips for identifying areas of concern, who to approach and how, and offers guidelines on how to come up with a trespassing solution that fits a community's particular needs.

Please, download this resource and share it with the community groups in your area. Talk to your children about trespassing. YOU have the power to prevent trespassing and save lives!