Rail Safety Issues Highlight Ottawa Central Railway Open House

OTTAWA - The Ottawa Central Railway (OCR) and the Railway Association of Canada's Operation Lifesaver program will bring the latest in safety to both the professional community and the general public over a two day period, June 13 and 14th.

"Ottawa's emergency services personnel will be involved in special safety workshops and a hands-on demo here at our yards on the Friday," says James Allen, General Manager of Ottawa Central Railway. "The next day, Saturday, June 14th, the public is invited to come in, learn about those same safety issues and initiatives, and have some fun at the same time. We hosted an Open House last October, and because of the incredible reaction, we're bringing it back."

With free admission, the OCR Safety Expo and Open House runs on Saturday from 9 AM to 3 PM at the OCR yards on Albion Road South, just north of Johnston Road. The information and demos will be a timely learning opportunity for elementary age kids and their parents. "We're focusing on the trains, yards, crossings and rights-of-way," says Mr. Allen.

The specially-outfitted Canadian Chemical Producers Association (CCPA)/TransCAER® tank-car will be on site, and other popular activities are back. OCR will offer locomotive rides across the yard facilities, OC Transpo commuter O-Train returns to welcome visitors, and VIA Rail will have a static display. Vintage rail equipment from the Bytown Railway Society will also be on hand.

In addition, Open House visitors can inspect model rail displays, and enjoy a barbecue all afternoon, courtesy of M&M Meat Shops on Montreal Road. Two model train sets will be raffled off. Proceeds from the day will go to the Boys and Girls Club of Ottawa.

Contact Information:

James Allen
General Manager
Ottawa Central Railway
Email: james.allen@cfqc.com

Roger Cameron
Railway Association of Canada
613-564-8097 (Dave Watts Photo)
Email: rogerc@railcan.ca