Recap: thanks Canada for a successful Public-Rail Safety Week!

Public-Rail Safety Week 2013 wrapped up on Sunday. Operation Lifesaver volunteers and partners shared our important rail-safety message far and wide via various events, media releases and social media campaigns.

[caption id="attachment_7096" align="alignright" width="350"] Lego display at VIA Rail train station event in Halifax[/caption]

From crossing blitzes and other events to heartfelt pleas from families who have had loved ones killed by trains, the media reported on a variety of stories throughout the week: 

 Check out this video of a mock collision that was staged in Saint John on May 1, 2013. Approximately 200 Saint John students attended.


We also asked our Twitter followers and partners to share their Public-Rail Safety Week messages using the hashtag #prsw2013. Check out what they had to say on Storify:

[View the story "Public-Rail Safety Week takes the twitterverse by storm!" on Storify]

We are pleased with the public engagement during this year’s Public-Rail Safety Week. Education is key to our mission to prevent railway-related injuries and deaths and we thank everyone who helped share the message!