Share your stories and help OL #STOPTrackTragedies

Every year, more than 100 Canadians are killed or seriously injured in railway crossing or trespassing incidents. Operation Lifesaver Canada works to save lives by preventing these tragedies from happening.
But our success lies in our ability to reach Canadians of all ages and to educate them about the hazards associated with railway property and trains. One of the ways we try to do this is by sharing the heartbreaking stories of people who have been personally affected by a rail tragedy.
We feature these stories in our blog posts and our #STOPTrackTragedies videos as a wake-up call to all Canadians, with the goal of discouraging risky behaviour around tracks and trains. Whether it’s the heart-wrenching story of a parent who has lost a child in a trespassing incident, or a locomotive engineer who was driving the train when an incident occurred, we believe these first-person stories show the ripple-effects of every tragedy.
Looking for your stories
Every rail incident is a tragedy, and OL believes that each and every one of them can be prevented. But we need your help.  
Whether you’re a family member who has lost a loved one, or someone who has survived a railway crossing or trespassing incident, we want to hear from you. Sharing your story could encourage others to think twice before using railway tracks as a shortcut, or ignoring railway warning signs and signals at a crossing.
Why not share your story and help us save lives? Email us today at or fill out the contact form on our website.