“Surfing” on a train can be deadly
Standing on top of a speeding train may look exciting in the movies. But in real life, it can cost you dearly.
Anyone caught train-surfing can face criminal charges, potential jail time, and/or receive a fine of up to $10,000. But riding on top of a train, light rail car, or subway car won’t just land you with a hefty fine or criminal charges. It could cost you your life—or change it forever.
“Train surfing is extremely dangerous ,” explains Sarah Mayes, National Director of Operation Lifesaver Canada. “You can easily slip off or even underneath a moving train, or be hit by structures and objects that are close to the train's path. Trains that are moving slowly initially may also pick up speed, making it difficult for you to hang on. ”
It could be the last ride that you ever take
Last week, a
15-year-old boy suffered life-threatening injuries after trying to climb on top of a moving subway train in Toronto. It’s believed that he hit his head on something while attempting to get on top of the train.
It’s just one of a number of concerning train-surfing incidents observed across the country — a disturbing trend that’s been growing in popularity in recent years.
In July last year,
two masked males carrying Canadian flags were filmed “surfing” on the roof of a moving TTC train in Scarborough, Ont. Although they weren’t hurt in the incident, not everyone is so lucky. In June 2018, a
25-year-old Australian man had to undergo full and partial limb amputations after a horrific train-surfing incident in Revelstoke, B.C.
Remember: the only place you should ride a train is inside a passenger car! A few seconds of thrill-seeking just isn’t worth your life.