Driving instructors – make rail safety part of your drivers programs!

If you’re a driving instructor, it’s your job to make sure your students have the knowledge and skills to keep them safe and alive every time they drive. And that means making sure they not only know the rules of the road, but also that they know what it takes to stay alive when they encounter a highway-railway crossing.

Your program may be missing a rail safety component – and that’s where Operation Lifesaver comes in. Read on to learn why rail safety is so important and how we can help you share this lifesaving information with your students.

The importance of rail safety


Now more than ever instilling the magnitude of rail safety with new and professional drivers is a vital and life-long lesson to ensure we’re all safe near highway-railway crossings. But how can you make rail safety a significant component of your students’ curriculum?

Tap in to a wealth of rail safety resources available for driving instructors

  • Encourage new and professional drivers to take the rail safety quiz in order to gauge their rail safety knowledge. This will also help students recognize where and if they have any gaps in their rail safety knowledge, and allow you to give extra attention to areas where they may be lacking.
  • Utilize the Operation Lifesaver Train to Drive website and consider making it part of your curriculum. It’s a free online interactive training tool specifically geared towards new, seasoned and professional drivers and educates students about how to safely approach highway-railway crossings.
  • Create a take-home lesson for your students and assign the OL driver’s quiz, which is another tool that is beneficial for new and seasoned drivers.
  • Finally, check out the many resources Operation Lifesaver has available for new students, professional drivers and more. There is a wealth of great information that is tailored to suit your needs. Plus, they’re free to download!

As a driving instructor, you’ve chosen a career that is incredibly important and encompasses a level of responsibility when grooming future new and professional drivers. Please help to spread the word about rail safety and incorporate these rail safety resources into your new and professional driver curriculums.

With your help, the Look, Listen & Live message will be as engrained in the minds of new and professional drivers as “Buckle Up.”