Introducing CP RailSense: Working Together to Spread the Rail Safety Message
For more than 30 years, Operation Lifesaver has been educating Canadians about the hazards surrounding railway property and train tracks. But now, one of our partners has started a new program to help spread the rail safety message.
Canadian Pacific (CP) launched CP RailSense back in September. It’s yet another way to remind Canadians that trespassing on railway tracks or trying to “beat” trains at crossings can result in serious injuries—and even death.
The CP RailSense mission is simple: to prevent injuries and save lives by encouraging safe behaviour around railway tracks and trains. A mission shared by Operation Lifesaver.
Through education and outreach, the program targets two distinct audiences: school-age children—to create awareness before risky behaviour begins—and males aged 18 to 30, since statistics show they’re the segment of the population that is most often involved in rail-related incidents. But reaching young men is a challenge.
“They are the most difficult group to get to,” explains Leah Ryan, CP’s Social Media Advisor. “But we know they are digital. They spend countless hours online watching and even producing content that glorifies risky behaviours. So our approach is to target digital ads to them that while shocking, drive the message home about the very real and serious consequences that occur around railway property.”
Check out their ‘Shortcuts Cut Lives Short’ and ‘Remember What’s On The Line’ videos.
Young males are also an audience Operation Lifesaver has been targeting in recent years. But Ryan thinks that by working together we can increase the likelihood of changing behaviours—and saving lives.
“The more organizations that are talking about rail safety—and having that conversation—the better we are able to bring it to the forefront,” says Ryan. “Ultimately, the objective of the program is to have the proper education out there and reduce incidents along all railway tracks.”
Learn more about CP RailSense at or by following CP on Facebook, Twitterand Instagram.