Railway Crossing and Trespassing Incidents Double in September
Every month, we publish the number of railway crossing and trespassing incidents across the country. And every month we hope to see the number of injuries and fatalities go down dramatically.
Unfortunately, that drop just isn’t happening.
For the second month in a row, the number of Canadians who lost their lives in rail-related crossing and trespassing incidents is up. In fact, there was twice the number of fatal trespassing and crossing incidents in September 2019 when compared to the year before. Eight people were killed trespassing on railway property and two others died in crossing incidents.
Please help us spread the rail safety message and save lives. Watch our #STOPTrackTragedies videos to see the tragic consequences of not following simple safety rules. Share them with your friends and family, and on your social media networks. By working together, we can prevent these tragedies.