Railway Crossing Safety and Trespass Prevention In Developing Countries Early Focus of International Symposium
Montreal - Developing nations looking to address highway/railway crossing safety and trespass prevention will receive a special preview to the issues and challenges involved in advance of the 9th International Level Crossing Safety and Trespass Prevention Symposium beginning on Sunday at Montreal’s The Fairmont Queen Elizabeth. The conference runs from Sept. 10 to 14.
Invited workshop attendees will focus on capacity building for railway systems, with particular emphasis on the more than 22 nations participating.
“The day will help begin what should be a very successful exchange of information and ideas,” said Gary Drouin of Transport Canada, symposium chair and co-chair of Direction 2006, a government, industry, community safety initiative. “It helps reflect the theme of the symposium, Partners in Safety, and illustrates the importance of sharing knowledge, technology and experiences with others.”
Sunday will also feature the semi-annual meeting of the Transportation Safety and Research Board and a networking opportunity for the more than 230 international delegates that are expected for the symposium. It officially opens Monday morning.
For more information, please visit www.levelcrossing2006.com.
Contact Information:
Roger Cameron
Railway Association of Canada
Cathy Cossaboom
Transport Canada