Marking Rail Safety Week 2020—the virtual edition

Every year, dozens of Canadians lose their lives because they take risks on or around railway tracks. In fact, 2,100 people across North America are seriously injured or killed each year as a result of unsafe behaviour around tracks and trains. These incidents not only affect victims, but also have a lasting impact on everyone from their parents and friends, to locomotive engineers and the first responders on the scene.  
Rail Safety Week (September 21-27, 2020) is Operation Lifesaver (OL) Canada’s way of trying to stop these tragedies from happening. Held every September, it’s a chance to educate North Americans about the hazards associated with railway tracks and property.

Spreading the rail safety message from coast to coast
This year, OL is unveiling four poignant new videos, and three radio ads, to remind Canadians that they “can never go back” from taking risks around tracks and trains—risks that could cost them a limb, or even their life.
The four videos are the latest in OL’s #STOPTrackTragedies campaign. They feature the voices of those personally affected by rail crossing and trespassing incidents, and their reflections on what they would do differently to prevent these incidents—if only they were given a second chance.
“The #STOPTrackTragedies stories are heart-wrenching, but they also have an important message: you can never go back. They really urge people to make safe decisions around tracks and trains,” said Sarah Mayes, National Director of Operation Lifesaver Canada
“Behaving unsafely—whether it’s playing on railway equipment, using tracks as a shortcut, or even glancing at your cellphone at a crossing—can have devastating consequences for you, your loved ones and your community.”
Support Rail Safety Week—and help save lives
OL and its partners will be launching a number of initiatives throughout Rail Safety Week to promote the #STOPTrackTragedies campaign and educate Canadians about the importance of rail safety—so keep an eye out for our blog posts!
And why not do your part to promote rail safety? Follow OL on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and share our rail safety messages with your loved ones using the hashtags #STOPTrackTragedies and #RSW2020. Remember, rail safety is a team effort!