Download the
Viar360 Player app in the Apple app store.
Open app.
Enter subdomain: roundcontent
Enter email:
Enter password: lifesaver
Press ‘Sign In’.
Select one of the available experiences.
Click ‘Download’ to download it to your mobile device. You will be presented with an option to download various sizes—1080 is adequate, and 4K is best.
Once downloaded, you may press ‘Play’ to start experience.
Carboard mode
Press ‘Cardboard’ if you are going to put the device in a cardboard VR viewer. In this mode, look around to see your surroundings. To select an option, point the small for in the middle of your view at an option and hold it on the desired option.
Panorama mode
Press ‘Panorama’ if you are viewing the experience without a VR viewer. In this mode, touch the screen and move to look around. Click on any button to select an option.