Rail Safety Week 2024

RSW24 THEME: There is no 'Undo' button.

2024 Schedule    

Posters & social assets

Newest videos (coming soon!) 
Join Operation Lifesaver and our partners across Canada in marking the 21st annual Rail Safety Week.
This annual event raises critical awareness about rail safety. It reminds Canadians that taking risks near tracks can change your life forever or cost you life and limb.

Help us #StopTrackTragedies.

Stay off tracks. Stay alive. Stay safe.

Still Not at Zero: The continued need for Rail Safety Week

  • Over the last five years, more than 100 Canadians have been seriously hurt or killed each year in railway crossing and trespasser incidents (on average).
  • In 2023 alone, 73 Canadians were hurt or killed because they were on tracks or rail property illegally. Another 32 were hurt or killed at crossings.
  • So far in 2024 (January-June), an average of 10 Canadians per month have been seriously hurt or killed at crossings, or by trespassing onto federally regulated railways. That’s a 33% increase over the five-year historical average. 
  • In the first half of 2024, total railway accidents were down 15 percent, but crossing accidents were up 11% and trespassing was up 57%.
We still have work to do. Here’s how you can get involved.

Calendar of events
National launch event
Time: 11:15am-12:30pm ET
Location: Exporail - 110, rue St.-Pierre, St-Constant (QC), J5A 1G7

Operation Clear Track: Hundreds of law enforcement partners will work to enforce rail crossing and trespassing laws and promote rail-safety messages in their communities. This is the single largest rail-safety law-enforcement initiative in North America.

Crossing Safety takes centre stage as we tackle one of the biggest rail-safe challenges facing Canada today. Join us and our partners for decal unveilings and other events in communities across the country.
Driver safety education is a key part in getting to zero. New drivers, commercial drivers, food delivery and rideshare drivers, agricultural and other heavy machinery operators all can play a part. Stay tuned for more details. 
Trespassing and Suicide Prevention are critical issues for all who care about rail safety. From stunts for socials to Canada’s growing mental health crisis, these track tragedies are way too common. Join us at the Kitchener Rangers and Guelph Storm home opening matchups for more.
Our volunteers are the best. They’re the only reason we can do what we do. Join us on our socials as we salute our volunteers and announce our 2023 Roger Cyr Award winners.
No picture or selfie is worth the risk of being hit by a train. Keep your special days safe and memorable for all the right reasons by keeping well away from tracks and trains. Join us for a discussion with professional photographer and event planner Lexine Menard.

Follow us on socials and engage with our posts

Share our #StopTrackTragedies video series  with the people you love.

#STOPTrackTragedies videos tell the stories of people personally affected by railway crossing and trespassing incidents. The videos have been viewed nearly 3 million times to date.

Become a rail safety champion in your community, school, or workplace.

Download our RSW graphics, posters, and social media posts and share them with your networks. It could save a life.

Questions? Get in touch: admin@operationlifesaver.ca